Colombia Fruit Fermentation – Pineapple


Pineapple upside down cake, caramel cream custard, maple syrup.

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Pineapple upside down cake, caramel cream custard, maple syrup.

This fruit fermented coffee is more muted than than the grape and orange versions. There are clear pineapple notes which became more noticeable after the coffee rested for several days. They’re stronger in the aroma than they are in the cup. I get the pineapple and some nice toffee like sweetness. It’s not a nuclear fruit bomb like the grape and orange, but it’s got an overall better sense of balance.

The cherries for this lot, grown on Finca La Luisa in Antioquia, underwent anaerobic fermentation in a CO2-flushed stainless steel tank for 120 hours.

The juice from the coffee pulp recovered in this process is mixed with pineapple juice, the coffee is depulped and everything is returned to fermentation tank. This second process takes another 3 days, after which the coffee is laid out to dry on raised beds.

More info on Fruit Fermentation.

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